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Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1 - Your Best Friend

Dear best friend(s),

You guys know who you are. I will always cherish the moments that we've created together. Those funny, embarrassing, crazy, exciting memories and the laugher that was shared. I couldn't ask for better friends. Somehow, we've all found our way to each other. Thank you for always being there for me, for always knowing when and how to cheer me up. For making my days brighter. For listening to me ramble. For listening to me not talk at all. For dealing with my shyness and helping me open up and show the world who I am. For showing me who I am.

I know high school is difficult. We all have our own problems. We may drift off into different cliques once in awhile, to discover, who we all are. 

We may or may not make stupid decisions. 

But I know one thing will never change: the memories we have created, and the laughter that we have shared. These memories will be imprinted into our hearts forevermore. 

I love you all. 

Never change. 


(30 letters. Concept from Adam Holmes @ Tumblr.) 
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